Come to watch and support the women’s team play on home turf at Scammell Reserve in a main event PINK STUMPS cricket match on the 9th of February 2025 and stay for the “Ladies Day” (an evening) of food, drink and games.

All are welcome, especially players, partners, mums, sisters, daughters and friends of the club. Please invite (and RSVP) as many as possible to get around this worthy cause of raising awareness and funds for Breast Cancer through the McGrath Foundation.
Wear pink and bring $20 as a donation and entry fee (this gets you a drink on entry too). Further donations may be made online through the event website (see link below) and by participating in small gold coin games throughout the evening or purchasing raffle tickets for the items/hampers donated and available on the day.
There will be a breast care nurse attending to provide an informative presentation/speech on early cancer detection and the benefits of donating to those affected. Platters of food will be available, drinks for purchase from the bar and karaoke for those who wish to stay later into the evening.
We hope to make this a fun, informative community event and hit our fundraising goal in the meantime.
See the link below:-
Please RSVP with your full name and numbers with an email entitled “Krushers PSD 2025” to
Game start is at 1.30pm. It's a One-Day game consisting of 25 overs-a-side against East Sandringham.
v 1:30 pm - Women’s pink stumps game starts
v 3 pm - Afternoon tea of sandwiches, fruit platters and snacks available for players and guests. Drinks for purchase at bar.
v 3:30 pm - Game resumes
v 5 pm - Game ends
v 6 pm - Evening portion of the event starts. $20 entry fee (donation to McGrath Foundation) gets each attendee a drink card for a free “signature cocktail” (mimosa or pink gin lemonade - virgin alternative of juice and pink lemonade available). All other drinks sold at bar prices and food platters are available to eat.
v 6:30 pm - Welcome and introduction of guest speaker nurse Katie from the McGrath foundation.
v 7 pm – Recognition of sponsors/donors and promote raffle tickets for items ($5 per ticket or 3 for $12).
v 7:30 pm - Games (pad up and coin toss). Prizes available.
v 8 pm - Raffle drawn and hot finger food served.
v 8:30 pm – Karaoke.
v 11 pm - End of event.